(1)ディックス川 (Dick’s River)

Dix Riverを指すと思われる。アメリカ合衆国ケンタッキー州中部に発する川。北西に流れ、ケンタッキー川に注ぐ。

出典:Encyclopedia Britannica-Dix River

“Dix River, river that rises in central Kentucky, U.S., and flows 77 miles (124 km) generally northwest to the Kentucky River at High Bridge. Dix Dam (1924), constructed for hydroelectric power, impounds Herrington Lake near Danville.”


(2)ハンギング・フォーク (the Hanging Fork)


出典: Arthur D. Bradfield, Stephen D. Porter
“Summary of Biological Investigations Relating to Surface-water Quality in the Kentucky River Basin, Kentucky”(U.S. Geological Survey, 1990, p.35)


(3)リンカーン群 (Lincoln County)


出典:Lewis Collins, History of Kentucky (Library Reprints,1877)


“Lincoln county was formed in 1780, and was one of the three original counties organized in the district of Kentucky by the legislature of Virginia.”


(4)トウモロコシをみんなで収穫 (Corn Husking)


出典: Charles J. Latrobe, The Rambler in North America (London, 1835) pp.136-137
R. Carlyle Buley, The Old Northwest: Pioneer Period, 1815-1840 (Indianapolis, 1950), pp.322-337
Merle Curti, The Making of American Community: A Case Study of Democracy in a Frontier County (Stunford,1959) pp.115-116


(5)納屋の組み上げ作業 (Barn Raising)


出典:Lewis Collins “Collins’ Historical Sketches of Kentucky” Collins & Company, 1882, p.31


(6)キルトを作るための集まり (Quilting Bees)

家族や近所の人々が集まってキルトの制作を行った。18 世紀まで、キルトは一人で作るものが多かったが、19 世紀半ばごろのアメリカでは数人で大きなキルトを作るのが主流になった。

出典: The Rambler In North America Vol1, Latrobe, Charles Joseph, 1835


(7)レキシントン (Lexington)


出典: 『日本大百科全書』(小学館、1994)


(8)長老会 (Presbyterians)


出典: 新村出,『広辞苑 第五版』(岩波書店.1998)p.1751


(9)グリーン川 (Green River)


出典: Encyclopedia Britannica-Green River

“Green River, river rising near Kings Mountain in Lincoln county, central Kentucky, U.S., and flowing for 360 miles (580 km) generally westward through a well-defined gorge, then northwestward to the Ohio River, which it enters just above Evansville, Ind.” 




出典: 『日本国語大辞典(第2版)』(小学館、2002)


(11)ロングハンター (Long Hunters)


出典: Historical Society of Southwest Virginia-Historical Sketches-THE LONG HUNTERS
By Emory L. Hamilton

“The Long Hunter was peculiar to Southwest Virginia only, and nowhere else on any frontier did such hunts ever originate. True, there were hunters and groups of hunters on all frontiers in pioneer days, but they were never organized and publicized as the long hunts which originated on the Virginia frontier. (中略)The long hunters usually went out in October and returned the latter part of March, or early in April. Their winter’s take consisted of both fur pelts and hides, especially the hides of buffalo which were wantonly slaughtered for the hides only, the carcass left to be devoured by animals and vultures. (中略)According to Redd, the long hunters seldom hunted in parties larger than two or three men. “


(12)デラウェア族 (Delaware)

「レニー・レナペ」 または 「レナペ」 とも呼ばれる、北米インディアンの部族。デラウェア州からロングアイランド西部までの大西洋岸を領地とした。同地域が植民地化される前は、特にデラウェア川流域に集中していた。

出典: Encyclopedia Britannica-Delaware

“Delaware, also called Lenni Lenape or Lenape, a confederation of Algonquian-speaking North American Indians who occupied the Atlantic seaboard from Cape Henlopen, Delaware, to western Long Island. Before colonization, they were especially concentrated in the Delaware River valley, for which the confederation was named.”


(13)ポーポーの木 (paw-paw)






出典:Lexico (from Oxford) -river bottom
https://www.lexico.com/definition/river_bottom (最終閲覧2020/02/22)


(15)グリーン・リバー (Green River)



(16)ログハウス (log house)


出典: William J. Macintire『The Pioneer Log House in Kentucky』(Kentucky Heritage Council
The State Historic Preservation Office, 1998)

“In the eighteenth-century Kentucky landscape, single-room log houses such as those shown in figures 2 and 3 probably formed the majority of the housing stock.”


(17)応接室 (sitting room)

