(1)フレーム・ハウス (frame house)


出典: Hugh Morrison『Early American Architecture』(Dover Publication Inc, 1952)


(2)古い砦 (Logan’s Fort)

1775年にベンジャミン・ローガンとジョン・フロイド(John Floyd, 1750–1783)によって造られた砦。要塞は150フィート×90フィートの柵のようなつくりで、先住民の攻撃に対して造られた。のちのリンカーン郡の都市であるスタンフォードの起源。

出典:John E. Kleber『The Kentucky Encyclopedia』(University Press of Kentucky, 2014)p.846

”STANFORD. Stanford, the seat of Lincoln County, is located in the northern part of the county on St. Asaph Creek at U.S. 27 and U.S. 150. Stanford traces its origin to a camp made by Benjamin Logan in 1775 at Buffalo Spring, a large spring at the western edge of the town. A short distance north of the spring, Logan erected his settlement and fort, which he called St. Asaph. Later the site became known as Logan’s Fort. The small branch that has its source at Buffalo Spring is still known as St. Asaph Creek.
The original site of Logan’s Fort is about one mile west of the courthouse in Stanford, at the end of Water Street. Part of an old buffalo trail to the salt lick at Buffalo Spring became what is now Main Street in Stanford. Logan’s Fort became known as the Standing Fort because it withstood many Indian attacks during the late 1970s. Although it was one of the smaller forts in Kentucky in both size and population, it never fell to the Indians.”



(3)ベンジャミン・ローガン (Benjamin Logan、1742-1802)


出典: William B Allen『A history of Kentucky』( Louisville, Ky. : Bradley & Gilbert、1872)pp.43-44

“Another name, whose history is intimately connectel with the early settlements in Kentucky, is that of Benjamin Logan. IIe was of Irish parentage, who lived first in Pennsylvania, and afterwards moved to Augusta County, Virginia, where Benjamin was born. The father having died, left Benjamin…”以下彼に関する記述が続く


(4)ムスリン (muslin)


出典:Kathleen A. Staples, Madelyn C. Shaw『Clothing Through American History: The British Colonial Era』(Greenwood, 2013)p. 420

Conservative Fashion


(5)ルイビル (Louisville)


出典: LouisvilleKy.gov (最終閲覧2020/02/22)


“Louisville, largest city in Kentucky, U.S., and the seat of Jefferson county, opposite the Falls of the Ohio River. Louisville is the centre of a metropolitan area including Jefferson county in Kentucky and Clark and Floyd counties in Indiana. Bridges spanning the Ohio link the city with New Albany and Jeffersonville, Indiana. Following a referendum passed in 2000, the city and Jefferson county merged in 2003, thereby more than doubling the city’s population and increasing its area more than sixfold.”


(6)ジョン・ランキン (John Rankin、1793-1886)


出典:Andrew Ritchie『The soldier, the battle, and the victory』(Western Tract and Book Society.1870)


(7)ブラック・ベティー (Black Betty)


出典: Thorton, An American Glossary, p. 66: “Black Betty. A spirit-bottle. Obs. The N.E.D. has Betty, 1725. They became enamored of blue ruin itself. The hug the “black Betty,” that contains it, to their bosoms.—Mass. Spy, Oct. 31 [1827]: from the Berkshire American.”


(8)暖炉掃除用のターキーウィング (turkey wing)


出典:Haydenville Broomworks

(9)フェイエット郡 (Fayette County)



出典: Explore Kentucky History

History_Fayette County, Kentucky_Wikipedia


(10)フィラデルフィア (Philadelphia)


出典: 『日本国語大辞典(第2版)』(小学館、2002)


(11)グレート・リバイバル運動 (a great revival)

18世紀のアメリカやイギリスに始まった強い信仰覚醒を目的としたキリスト教の宗教活動のこと。教会生活と信仰が形式化してしまったときや、信徒たちが信仰から離れ世俗化して生きているようなときに、その不信仰と罪を糾弾し、信仰に再び立ちかえらせる伝道を指す。信仰の活性化がみられると、神がリバイバル (信仰復興) を行ったとみなされ、キリスト再臨が近いことのしるしとして信じられている。 アメリカのニューイングランドで1740年代にリバイバルが行われると、その後意識的に各地にて集会が開かれ、大覚醒 (The Great Awakening) とも呼ばれるようになった。
