(1) サウス・ユニオン


出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』(Rowman & Littlefield, 2017) p.277

(2) ハーバードから追い立てられた時、道を歩く彼らを打つ者がいたこと、そして仲間たちが肩を鞭打たれたことを

これは1783年にアメリカで活動を開始したばかりのAnne Leeたちが、迫害され、ハーバードの居住地を追われたことを指すと思われる。その道中、道の脇にあった低木の枝でシェーカー教徒が殴られる様子がのちの教徒の日記に書かれている。

“Once the group entered Harvard, the mob continued its brutal treatment of the Shakers. They then seized Elder James, tied him to the limb of a tree, near the road, cut some sticks, from the bushes, and Isaac Whitney, being chosen for one of the whippers, began the cruel work, and continued beating and scourging till his back was all in a gore of blood, and the flesh bruised to a jelly. They then untied him, and seized Father William Lee; but he chose to kneel down and be whipped, therefore they did not tie him; but began to whip him as he stood on his knees.”

出典:Harvard Shaker Village
http://www.harvardshakers.com/the-whipping-stone.html (2021/05/05最終閲覧)