

出典:Encyclopedia Britannica-camp meeting

“frontier during the 19th century by various Protestant denominations. Camp meetings filled an ecclesiastical and spiritual need in the unchurched settlements as the population moved west. Their origin is obscure, but historians have generally credited James McGready (c. 1760–1817), a Presbyterian, with inaugurating the first typical camp meetings in 1799–1801 in Logan county, Kentucky.”

(2) 集会所(meeting house)


出典:Historical Foundation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America

“On a rising eminence, about a stone’s throw from the bank of that beautiful stream, “The Clear Fork of Gasper river,” is the place where the Meeting-house stood–a ridge of rough stones, forming an oblong, thirty by fifty feet, marks the identical spot. It is about two miles north of South Union, Kentucky. The old log house has long since gone to decay, and not a vestige of its ruins now remain, save the ridge of stones which served as a foundation for the house. The undressed appearance of the material indicate, that like Solomon’s Temple, it was put up without the sound of a hammer being heard.”

(3) 講壇(platform)


出典:Christianity.com-The Second Great Awakening

“In August 1801, Barton W. Stone led a revival in Cane Ridge, Kentucky that became the most famous camp meeting. The meeting lasted a week, and 23,000 people came. The preaching was simple, lively, and persuasive, with preachers from different denominations sharing the platform. The common people were deeply affected, and, as at the Gasper River meeting, strong emotional responses were considered proofs of conversion. Often these produced strange physical manifestations – some people fainted and fell to the ground (were “slain in the spirit”) or suffered uncontrollable shaking (“the jerks”). There was dancing, running and singing – all of which Stone said were manifestations of God’s presence. The noise of the meetings was so great that some said: “the noise was like the roar of Niagara.” Revival camp meetings swept through Kentucky, Tennessee and many of the southern states.”




(5) 歌がうたわれ

キャンプ・ミーティングでは、即興の旋律や既存の旋律に、聖書の言葉などを乗せて歌う讃美歌が謡われた。即興の讃美歌は、同じ歌詞を繰り返し、その都度少しずつ変化させながら、徐々に韻律の形を整えていき、誰でも簡単に覚えられるようにした。なお、シェーカーにも類似の讃美歌があり、シェーカー・ソング(shaker song)と呼ばれる。第7章にて後述。

出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『HISTORICAL DICTIONARY of the SHAKERS』(Rowman & Littlefield Publishers、2017) p.274, p.177

“SONGS. For many believers and for those outside the community as well, Shaker songs are what first touched their hearts in the search for the devine.(中略)It has been estimated that there are between 8,000 and 10,000 Shaker songs in various variations in surviving hymnals.(中略)There are 50 early tunes attributed to Mother Ann Lee, Father William Lee, Father James Whittaker, and John Hocknell. Many of these are for the dance, though some were meant to be sung.”

(6) 契約の子(a child of covenant)


出典:『聖書 新共同訳』(日本聖書協会、1988)pp.21-22 創世記17:7-11より抜粋、
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church-QandA -Baptism of Covenant Childrenを参考に聖書を引用

“That leads me to the second question you ask. “Do you view and address them as Christian until they prove otherwise? There have been different answers given that question among Reformed churches, but the OPC position is that from birth our children are regarded as COVENANT children. God said to Abraham (Genesis 17:7), “I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendents after you throughout their generations after you for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you.” And that covenant was sealed in circumcision until Pentecost, and in baptism thereafter, for it was an EVERLASTING covenant.”

(7) 聖化(sanctification)

