

出典:日本聖書協会『聖書 新共同訳』(日本聖書協会、1988)p.4「創世記」3:12

(2)チャーチ・オーダー (Church Order)


(前略) Also at times called the Senior Order, the Church Order is the level of membership that all Shakers who have signed the Church Order covenant belong to. This Church Order, or simply the Church, is “a collective body of Christians separated from the world, and enjoying in their united capacity, one common interest.”2 All Shakers who are not in the Gathering Order are in the Church Order; moreover, in the course of Shaker history, such Shakers did not necessarily live in the Church Family.

出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, p.70

(3)ノヴィシエイト (Novitiate)


The novitiate refers to an adult who has just joined the Shakers and is trying the life. Unlike Roman Catholic usage, it does not mean the building that houses the candidate. The Shakers of today also use the term novice to des ignate new members who are adults. Persons of any age may join the Shakers, but those over 18 years of age must sign a probationary covenant upon entering the society. This guarantees the novice all the rights and privileges of Shaker membership, including food, clothing, lodging, and health care. Moreover, the novitiate member is expected to patticipate fully in Shaker meeting, help lead prayers, and have the title “brother” or “sister” used before his or her first name. In addition, every member, including novices, must work to the extent that each is able. This may be housework, cooking, laundry, gardening, care of livestock, farming, building repair and maintenance, or office work. The probationary covenant protects the Shaker Society from subsequent lawsuits for back wages should a candidate decide to leave the community and seek remuneration for la bor performed while a member. No Shaker is paid for work done while a member, although the society is generous to those who decide to leave.

出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, p.224

(4)シェーキング(the shaking)

原著で”the shaking”と表される、礼拝の際に身を震わせる様子を本ページでは「シェーキング」と訳出する。

(5)ギフト (Gift)



出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, pp.132-133

(6)ジュニア・オーダー (Junior Order)


Junior Order is an ambiguous term used to designate a stage certain people belonged to while members of the Gathering Order. Basically, there are two types of Shakers: those who have signed the Church Order covenant and those who belong to one of the stages of the Gathering Order and have signed probationary or novitiate covenants or articles of agreement. The articles of agreement were mostly used for adults joining in lieu of the Church covenant. During the first half of the 19th century, Church Order Shakers were sometimes called members of the Senior Order. This has led to great confusion because belonging to the Church or Senior Order did not mean that they had to belong to the Church Family. It also meant that not everyone who lived in the Church Family was in the Church or Senior Order. Although the Church Family was supposed to be reserved for the most fervent Shakers, Church Order Shakers lived in the other families as well. Covenants for these families were Church Order covenants.

出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, p.170

(7)ブラック・ファミリー (Black Family)

黒人の信者がいた記録はあるが、彼らのためだけのファミリーが形成されることは希であった。チャーチ・オーダーに属す黒人はごくわずかであったようで、ほとんどはノヴィシエイトの一部であった「バック・オーダー(Back Order)」に属していた。サウス・ユニオンでは、1815年には「ブラック・ファミリー」と呼ばれる黒人のためのファミリーが存在したが、住民を徐々に他のファミリーに移動させ、1822年の記録ではすでにこのファミリーの存在はなくなっている。

出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, p.17内African American Shakersの項

(8)ナースリー (Nursery)

『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』に記載なし。「Nurse Shop」や「Infirmary」が同等の機能を担っていたと思われる。

出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』Rowman & Littlefield, 2017

(9)スクール・ファミリー (School Family)

「School Family」の存在が確認できる記録は見つからない。ジョセフ・ミーチャムが最初に設立した「チルドレンズ・オーダー(Children’s Order)」という組織が設けられていた場所はあり、子供用のチャーチ・オーダーとして扱われた。

(10)デイヴィッド・ダロウ (David Darrow)

デイヴィッド・ダロウ(David Darrow, 1750-1825)は1787年にニューレバノンの共同体が集結された際に、妻と4人の子供と入信し、後に初めての長老として任命された。また、中西部でシェーカー教徒たちをまとめる使命も与えられ、ケンタッキー州のプレザント・ヒルやサウス・ユニオンの形成にも貢献した。初期のシェーカー教は有力な家族の協力によって維持されており、ダロウ家もその一つ。

出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, p.86

(11)『キリスト第二の降臨の証言』(The Testimony Christ’s Second Appearing)


出典:Stephen J. Paterwic『Historical Dictionary of the Shakers』Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, p.291内Testimonyの項目